General Contracting | Operations & Maintenance | Air Conditioner Maintenance

Welcome to Al Haddaj National Company For General Contracting. Based on the company’s awareness of its role in establishing distinguished and sincere relations with our customers and in pursuit of our goals of providing the best services and serving our customers with high quality and providing them with products with high-quality specifications and standards to achieve credibility and protect our customers and ensure our services to them while creating the welfare of society and the satisfaction of our customers, by providing a wide variety of high-quality products and services. We provide our country with safe national and imported products that serve our customers, with full commitment to the accuracy of supply and installation. And help customers make the appropriate decision for their actual needs at a high level without incurring additional expenses or other burdens. Providing the latest technologies and energy-saving and environmentally friendly products
Explore Our Services

General Contracting

Operating and Maintenance

Air conditioner maintenance

Why Al-Haddaj?
Al-Hadaj National has many advantages, the most important of which is a team of professional technicians who are fully prepared and ready to carry out all tasks of all sizes. In addition to our long experience in this field since our inception in 2009.
And because the price matters to everyone, we provide you with a flexible price plan that suits your needs.
The Haddaj team is also distinguished by the implementation of all services, maintenance, supply, and other works in the fastest time, to give you the best quality and the highest possible efficiency.